Keeping you informed: federal budget updates

Visit WIC’s webpage on the federal budget for updates and information on federal budget for the upcoming fiscal year.

Contact your local WIC office for questions about your appointments and food benefits.

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1 CTR Helpful Hint
Peanut Butter
Can Buy | Any brand in 16 oz – 18 oz container. Plain, regular, low sodium, or low sugar.

Peanut Butter Image
Can Buy
  • Any texture, such as creamy, smooth, crunchy, chunky, super crunchy, or super chunky
  • Old fashioned or natural is allowed
Helpful Hint
Cannot Buy
  • Any other size, type, or flavor of peanut butter
  • Honey nut roasted peanut butter
  • “Grind your own” peanut butter
  • Peanut butter spread
  • Lowfat or reduced fat peanut butter
  • Peanut butter with added ingredients, such as jams, jellies, chocolate, marshmallows, or honey
  • Peanut butter with added supplements, such as omega-3-fatty acids or flax seed
  • Peanut butter with artificial, reduced-calorie, or no-calorie sweeteners
  • Organic peanut butter

© 2024 California Department of Public Health, Women, Infants and Children Program

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